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Community Soccer Club

News Detail


Mar, 2024

Our spring coach's meeting and clinic is being eclipsed!

Due to activities related to Monday's eclipse, our spring 2024 Coach Meeting and Clinic will be held at Diamond Community Park on Tuesday evening, April 9. The clinic runs from 6:30 to 7:45. The meeting starts at 8:00 PM. 

The clinic is optional, but we hope many of you will avail yourselves of this opportunity to learn how to run a practice and teach your players some soccer skills.

At the meeting, coaches will pick up information packets, practice balls and goalie jerseys, and sign up for practice fields. Attendance is mandatory for head coaches, optional but encouraged for assistants. 
If you are a head coach and cannot make the meeting, please communicate with your division coordinator to set up a time and place to receive the information packet, practice balls, and goalie jerseys. 

The packets you receive will contain a meeting agenda, a SafeKids disclosure form, a handout providing general information about rules and procedures, a sample Sudden Cardiac Arrest (a.k.a "Lindsay's Law") signature form, and, for all teams except Kindergarten, a blank game report form to be filled out and given to the referee before each match. Rosters and match schedules will be sent out by email prior to or shortly after the meeting.

All this information will be available on our website and may be downloaded for coach's and parents' use.

Practice sessions for all divisions except Kindergarten will begin the week of April 15 and opening day is April 20.

Field Status

Open Open

Diamond Community Park (07:01 AM | 05/07/22)