Website Manager

Community Soccer Club

Frequently Asked Questions - Practice

1. When and where are practices held?
  • Most teams practice on a week night at Diamond Community Park. Some, however practice at other facilities that have given permission for use by the owner.
  • Practice times and days are solely the discretion of the coach, so there is no benefit to requesting to be assigned to a team that practices on a particular night.
  • Club policy limits practices to one per week for one hour.
  • Kindergarten teams only practice on Saturdays. They do not have practices during the week.
  • Practice schedules are updated and posted if a change occurs. Link may be found under SITE LINKS at the bottom of this page and under the TEAMS tab.

2. My child can't make the practice days that have been scheduled. What do I do now?
  • As mentioned above, practice days and times are left to the discretion of the coach, so your only option in case of unavoidable conflict is to contact your coach and discuss the situation. Some players alternate soccer practice with the conflicting activity each week.
  • If all else fails, your child may play in the games even if they cannot make practice. Just make sure your coach knows.

3. What happens if it rains on practice night?
  • Most teams will have practice even if it is raining. Call your coach to make sure.
  • Plain Township Parks owns the fields we use and may close the park if field conditions are unplayable. Check our home page or the Plain Township website for field status.

4. Another team is on our practice field or wants to take over our practice field. Aren't we entitled to the time and field we reserved?
  • Yes and no. If you are on your assigned field at the assigned time, no other team may bump you off for their practice.
  • However, if a team shows up for a game and it conflicts with your practice schedule, the CSC team must vacate the field promptly and either cancel the rest of practice or find another area on the complex to complete that practice.
  • Practice schedules are posted under SITE LINKS at the bottom of the home page, under the TEAMS tab, and on the sign kiosk outside the Diamond Sports Complex. When in doubt, please check there.

Field Status

Open Open

Diamond Community Park (07:01 AM | 05/07/22)