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Community Soccer Club

Guidelines specific to each division

Kindergarten/Pre-K Division
  • Children must be at least 4 years of age by opening day,
  • Teams play 5 v 5 with no goalkeeper.
  • One coach from each team is allowed on the field to help the players with their positions and to give instructions on technique.  A second coach may be positioned off the field behind the goal if desired.
  • Coaches are not permitted to interfere with play or to enter the circular goal area at either end.
  • A size 3 ball is used.
  • Play is four (4) eight minute periods with two minute breaks at quarters and a five minute break at half time.
  • Teams do NOT change direction at half time.
  • Players get two chances on throw-ins, and referees and coaches are urged to instruct them on proper technique. 
  • Offside is not to be called.
  • Defending players cannot enter the circular area in front of the goal unless the ball is in the area.
  • Receiving team players retire behind the mid-way line on goal kicks.
  • Referees are to be especially vigilant for any hard body contact or kicking of opponents, even if not intentional.
  • Heading the ball is prohibited.
  • Slide tackling is prohibited. 
  • Game report forms are not required for kindergarten.

Grade 1 & 2 Division
Rules are the same as above except as follows:  
  • Teams play  8 v 8 including the goalkeeper. 
  • A size 4 ball is used
  • Play is four (4) ten minute periods.
  • Change of kick-off and direction occurs at half time.
  • No coaches are permitted behind the goals.
  • Offside should only be called if it's blatant, and then only after a warning.  Referees are to advise the players verbally so they begin to understand this law. 
  • Again, referees are to call all hard body contact and kicking, even if not intentional. 
  • Heading the ball is prohibited.
  • Slide tackling is prohibited.
  • Game report forms, available for download here or in hard copy in the Diamond Community Center, are required to be turned in to the referee prior to start of the game.

Grade 3 & 4 Division
Rules are the same as above except as follows:
  • Teams play 9 v 9 including the goalkeeper. 
  • Coaching is allowed from the touch line at mid field only.
  • A size 4 ball is used.
  • Play is four (4) thirteen minute periods.
  • All laws, including throw-ins and offside, are enforced; however, referees may still use discretion in allowing second chances on illegally-executed throw-ins. Referees are encouraged to state what the infraction was so the players know what they did and what the corresponding punishment was.  
  • Heading the ball is prohibited.
  • Slide tackling is prohibited.

Grade 5 & 6 Division
Rules are the same as above except as follows:  
  • Teams play 10 v 10  including the goalkeeper. 
  • A size 4 ball is used. 
  • Play is two (2) thirty-five minute periods. 
  • All laws, including throw-ins and offside, are enforced.  
  • Heading the ball is prohibited.
  • Slide tackling is prohibited.

Grade 7 - 9 Division
Rules are the same as above except as follows:
  • Teams play 11 v 11 including the goalkeeper.
  • A size 5 ball is used.
  • Play is two (2) forty minute periods. 
  • Heading the ball is permitted at this age level.
  • Slide tackling is prohibited.
  • Control of the game is more formal at this age level. The players should know the laws and explanations should not be necessary.  However, the team captain may ask a question during a stoppage of play and, provided the question is asked politely and sincerely, referees are requested to answer honestly.

Division Coordinators

Field Status

Open Open

Diamond Community Park (07:01 AM | 05/07/22)